Ways to Donate
The Annual Fund
Whether you are looking to make a gift as an individual or on behalf of a company, corporation, or other organization, the Henry Ford College Foundation staff is here to help. There are many ways that you can support the College, help students, establish a scholarship fund, or create a gift that fits your personal wishes or philanthropic goals. Any gift, regardless of type or size, is an investment in student success and education for all.
For donation assistance, contact the Henry Ford College Foundation at 313-317-6839.
If you prefer, you can follow the donate link above, choose how you wish to apply your gift, and fill out the donation form.
We can help you choose an area to apply your gift, or you may make a gift to a specific HFC School/College (such as the HFC School of Nursing) or designate your gift for a scholarship, educational program, or even a specific department. Please indicate to which fund, program, scholarship, or area of the College you would like to apply your gift in the subject line.

Ways to Give
Make an immediate impact. Give now by using your credit or debit card through our secure online giving website to support Henry Ford College.
US Mail
Mail your check (payable to the Henry Ford College Foundation) to:
Henry Ford College Foundation
Attn: VP for Institutional Advancement
5101 Evergreen
Dearborn, Michigan 48128-1495
By Phone
We will be happy to help you make your gift or answer any questions you may have. Contact the Henry Ford Foundation at 313-317-6839.
HFC Employee Giving
As an employee of either Henry Ford College or Henry Ford College Foundation, you can make a gift by following the button below.
Types of Gifts
Matching Gifts
To maximize your gift, ask your employer if they have a matching gift program. Your employer might match, double, or even triple your gift to Henry Ford College.
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
A gift in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one is a lasting expression of esteem. We can help you choose a fitting commemoration for any memorial or honorary gift.
Securities, Stock, and Personal Property
Gifts of securities or stock from publicly traded or private companies of appreciated securities, mutual fund shares, and closely held or restricted stock valued at more than $1,000 are welcomed, and when gifted to the College, may provide you with potential tax advantages.
Planned Gifts
Making a bequest, establishing a trust, including the College in your life income plan, or making HFC a beneficiary of your life insurance are all examples of planned gifts. To learn more, give us a call.
*The Foundation encourages you to consult your tax and legal advisors concerning all charitable gifts.
AFP Association of Fundraising Professionals